Welcome to backtobasics.dev
a place aiming to un-complicate web development.
Web is complicated as is. We are making it more and more complicated every day by adding new functionalities which most of us do not need.
Note, this is not to say that nobody needs those - only that majority of engineers do not.
This, in lack of a better word, blog aims to create a solid start material on web development for beginners and experienced engineers alike. Beginners should learn the basics and core concepts of standards-based web development before diving into frameworks (which are really only bunch of functions someone else has written), cloud stuff (which is really another computer running in some data-center) and experienced engineers could use some backtracking to the original concepts of the stuff they use and love so they can solve or bypass an issue without waiting for an update on framework X while still being able to claim scalability and resilience.
I'm primarily writing this for myself, as I'm a member of the latter group of engineers - I've seen things which scarred my brain and I've done things in my ignorance to scar others.
The solution was, usually, the simplest possible but it took a sizeable chunk of time to get to it. My guess - we've became too comfortable with our framework safety nets so we unconsciously refuse to go anywhere beyond it.
Let's change that.